Revelation 7:9 - “After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands.”
God desires all people of all nations know Him and worship Him. God’s story of redemption is for all people near and far and His redemption knows no bounds.
Highpoint Church supports the following local and international outreaches.
Upscale Resale
Upscale Resale provides financial support to organizations that are involved with strengthening individuals and families, providing safe environments for men, women and children. They provide relief to people who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress in the greater Iowa City area and around the world.
Hope for Johnson County
Hope for Johnson County is on a mission to build bridges between Johnson County and the church. The vision is to bring flourishing and transformation to Johnson County and its people through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the movement of His church.
The Well Ministries
The Well is on a mission to offer restored life to everyone in our community through access to relationships and resources.
Mannahouse Global Network
For more than 60 years, Mannahouse has prayed the world, trained thousands of qualified leaders, and given her best to go anywhere where people need the Gospel, hope and healing.
Guine and Lisa Anderson - Harvest NOW Inc.
Harvest Now is an international missions organization committed to serving the Lord in many nations around the world. Since our founding in 2002 we have trained, sent and supported hundreds of pastors & missionaries, cared for orphans, built churches, provided relief for those affected by natural disasters and provided tens of thousands Bibles to underground believers in persecuted nations.
Tim and Julie Groff - Eastern Mennonite Missions
Today, the Western church seems to be caught in an irresolvable tension between being appealing while also being a disciplined and discipling community. While we affirm the church's desire to be warm and welcoming, we also desire a church community capable of confronting principalities and powers; a community that serves as an effective witness to God’s vision to transform all things. This vision, and our own experiences with Christ’s transforming love, carry us into three tiers of work, as expressed in our mission statement: Christ’s transforming love compels us to cross cultures, engage the world and make disciples of Jesus.
Watson and Erika Kluttz - EuroChrist
Watson and Erika Kluttz moved to Germany in January of 1988 with a vision to reach the people of Europe for Jesus. In April of 1991, they launched what is known today as Kardia Church, a vibrant church that has impacted literally hundreds for Christ in Hof, Germany. Watson and Erika also have in their hearts a desire to reach the town they resided in for many years - Bad Berneck.
Derrick & Erin Tusubira - Rhythms of Hope
Outreach to children in Uganda: Hope 4 All Children Uganda Children’s Home.